
Friday, July 9, 2010

The Decision???? Really?

It's 8:54 p.m. on July 8th of 2010, I have my soda and my phone by me and I am anxiously awaiting possibly the most important decision in the history of sports. What will LeBron James do?

9 finally rolls around and I can hardly wait, only to find out that I would wait another 30 minutes for the "King" to make his decision. And then when he finally did make his decision, it wasn't even exciting... I don't know if I was expecting fireworks to go off or possibly the entire Earth to shake, but nothing happened. They went straight in to asking him questions and I was left with the feeling of disappointment. I had wasted an hour of my time. I could have done many other things during that hour and then just read that he was going to Miami on the ticker at the bottom of the screen.

And on top of that it wasn't even a shock because espn's sources told everyone where he was going 15 minutes before he made the decision. More importantly he let down the entire sports world... just when I thought we finally had a guy in sports that cared about his team and his fans, he decides to leave the place he grew up and the fans that LOVED him unconditionally. Now, obviously people are going to look at this and say " The league is a business and he made a business decision" well say what you want but I think it is disappointing. Imagine if Michael Jordan had decided in 1990 that the bulls just weren't competitive enough and he was going to leave and go to the Knicks because he wanted to play with John Starks and Patrick Ewing because he thought it would be the best chance to win a championship.... if that had happened there would be no MJ as we know him or the Bulls of the 90's or Phil Jackson which means there is no Lakers championships... see the trickle effect it could have had. But instead MJ decided that he could lead a team and that he didn't need to run to the help of other super stars... LeBron did the opposite.. he couldn't handle the challenge. Really there wasn't much challenge, the Cavs had the best record in the NBA... LeBron just couldn't deliver, so he went somewhere that could deliver to him instead. Imagine what could have been if LeBron had stuck it out... it had potential to be a pretty cool thing. LeBron wins a championship in Cleveland and becomes a sports icon. Instead he runs with his tail between his legs and wins championships with the aid of other stars causing LeBron to fall to the bottom of the list as one of the greats. Good "Decision" LeBron.

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